AISECC is set up with the following objectives:
- To develop academic excellence in energy efficiency and care for the graduate and postgraduate
students through specialized courses and quality research work. - To develop an association with national and international academic and research institutes for the
research and technology development in energy, environment and climate change. - To develop an association with the government and private sector, including industries for research and
technology development, assessment etc., in energy efficiency and climate change. - Conduct sponsored and action research in the field of energy efficiency and climate change.
- Organizing national and international seminars, exhibitions, workshops and training & capacity building
programs to develop comprehensive understanding among participating and networking partners. - Providing leadership for organizing international delegations and industrial visits to increase knowledge
and understanding of various partners and better implement various projects.
Focus Area and KRA ( Key Result Area ) of AISECC :
- Smart and sustainable villages
- Renewable energy e-mobility, energy storages
- Climate Change mitigation, adaption and resilience
studies and practices - Technology evaluation, assessment and adoption as
per local Indian requirement - Climate Friendly states in rural areas with a focus
on gender, agriculture and resource utilization and
efficiency - Climate-resilient structures and construct housing
for economically weaker section Research in
Energy, climate and environment
- Common heating / Air conditioning systems and
heat recovery systems - Green rating as per national and international
guidelines with energy auditing of manufacturing
and process industries - Public awareness and ICT activities
Cool roof to reduce heat iland effect in urban and
rural areas - Environmental audits policy and governance and
urban environmental mananagment - Research projects and consultancy in all the above
areas - Projects on Climate Resillient Agriculture